Function List
This is a list of the functions available in ITD.
- ITD_AddFile
- ITD_AddFileSize
- ITD_AddMirror
- ITD_Cancel
- ITD_ClearFiles
- ITD_DownloadAfter
- ITD_DownloadFile
- ITD_DownloadFiles
- ITD_Init
- ITD_GetFileSize
- ITD_GetOption
- ITD_SetOption
- ITD_GetString
- ITD_SetString
- ITD_LoadStrings
- ITD_PostPage
This function adds a file that is to be downloaded when a download screen is reached. Usernames, passwords and port numbers can be provided as part of the URL, eg:
procedure ITD_AddFile(const url, filename: string);
url - The full address of the file to be downloaded. Eg. ''
filename - The filename of the saved file. Give a complete path, eg. expandconstant('{tmp}\file.jpg')
This function adds a file to be downloaded when a download screen is reached, but specifies the size of the file on the server. This avoids delays before the download begins because ITD doesn't have to check the file size on the server.
procedure ITD_AddFileSize(const url, filename: string; size:integer);
url - The full address of the file to be downloaded. Eg. ''
filename - The filename of the saved file. Give a complete path, eg. expandconstant('{tmp}\file.jpg')
size - The size, in bytes, of the file to be downloaded
This function adds another URL for a filename which has already been added by ITD_AddFile or ITD_AddFileSize. The new URL will be used as a mirror if downloading from the original URL fails. You can add as many mirrors as you like for a given filename (The mirrors will be checked in order of addition when downloading the file).
procedure ITD_AddMirror(const url, filename: string);
url - The full address of the file to be downloaded. Eg. ''
filename - The filename of the saved file. Give a complete path, eg. expandconstant('{tmp}\file.jpg')
Calling this function cancels a download that is in progress
procedure ITD_Cancel;
Clear the list of files that have been added with ITD_AddFile(). Files are automatically removed from the queue once they are downloaded, so you don't normally need to call this function.
procedure ITD_ClearFiles;
This function tells ITD that a download screen should be shown after the given page id. You would typically call this once during IntializeWizard().
procedure ITD_DownloadAfter(afterID: integer);
afterID - The PageID of the wizard page to add after, eg wpReady.
Downloads the given file immediately, without giving any UI indication of what is happening. Returns once the file has been downloaded.
function ITD_DownloadFile(const url, filename: string): boolean;
url - The full address of the file to be downloaded. Eg. ''
filename - The filename of the saved file. Give a complete path, eg. expandconstant('{tmp}\file.jpg')
Returns true if the download succeeded, false otherwise
Downloads the files added by ITD_AddFile() immediately, without giving any UI indication of what is happening. Returns once the files have been downloaded.
function ITD_DownloadFiles: boolean;
Returns true if all files downloaded successfully, false otherwise
Performs initialization for internal routines. You must call this function before using any other ITD function. You should only call it once!
procedure ITD_Init;
Gets the size of the file at the given URL. Returns true if successful, false otherwise. The size is stored into the passed size variable.
function ITD_GetFileSize(const url: string; var size:cardinal): boolean;
url - The full address of the file to check the size of. Eg. ''
size - The variable to store the size into
Returns true if the check succeeded, false otherwise
Check the value of an ITD option. List of possible settings.
function ITD_GetOption(const option: string): string;
option - The option to be checked
Returns the value of the option, or an empty string if the option does not exist.
Set the value of an ITD option. List of possible settings.
procedure ITD_SetOption(const option, value: string);
option - The name of the setting to be changed
value - The value to be set
Get the value of a language string in ITD. See Language Strings for more details.
function ITD_GetString(index:integer): string;
index - The index of the language string to get
Returns the current language string for the given index, or the empty string if there is no string associated with this index.
Set the value of a language string in ITD. See Language Strings for more details.
procedure ITD_SetString(index:integer; const value: string);
index - The index of the language string to set
value - The value to be set
Loads a set of language strings from an ini file. See Language Strings for more details.
function ITD_LoadStrings(const filename: string): boolean;
filename - The name of the file to load strings from.
Returns true if loading was successful, false otherwise.
This function performs an HTTP POST with the given data to the given URL. It returns true if the post was successful, or false otherwise. If the server sends any data in its reply, it is available through the response string (Pass a string variable in for response to receive the data) - note that this string is only set if the POST was successful.
function ITD_PostPage(const url, data: string; out response: string): boolean;
url - The full address of the page to POST to. Eg. ''
data - The data to send to the page
response - Pass a string variable here to receive the response from the server
Returns true if posting was successful, false otherwise
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